
Showing posts from July, 2021

Storytelling is Active Literature!

  Playing with Words We all learn best when we are active and attempting the thing we want to learn.  It is no surprise that some of the greatest growth in learning happens when we are having fun in the process.   Playing with language with preschoolers can be as simple as helping them experience something new and inviting them to tell you about it.  Preschool children, are at a development stage where large motor movement is a big part of their life.  Sitting still is sometimes hard to do.  Scanimation books, like those by author/illustrator Rufus Butler Seder are some of my favorites books for this age - particularly  Swing!  or  Gallop! .  Each page asks a question and has an animation that moves.  Ask the preschooler to show you their moves or tell you their story as your read each page. For those kids that already very verbal, it is possible to progress to storytelling your way through Wordless Books that you can find at your local library.   What a Masterpiece!  by Riccardo Guasc